Provider Network

A wide variety of treatment providers have been selected for inclusion in the ATAP Preferred Provider Network. The selection of these providers is based on the following criteria:

a) Quality of services
b) Cost of services
c) Geographic proximity to worker

In all cases, the goal is to utilize the numerical strength of the combined ATAP membership to qualify the best service providers at the least cost. The majority of psychiatric and addiction treatment providers in the Greater Philadelphia Area have submitted their best, all inclusive, daily rates to ATAP and we have selected providers offering these levels of care:

  • Medical Detoxification
  • Non-medical Detoxification
  • Inpatient Psychiatric Rehabilitation
  • Free-standing Rehabilitation
  • Intensive Outpatient Rehabilitation
  • Outpatient Counseling
  • Aftercare Groups

Monitoring of Provider Services

Quality care data on the treatment providers is accumulated by ATAP staff on an ongoing basis. Data generated is shared with the treatment providers and is used to guide future referrals. Quality care measurement includes, among other criteria:

a) Reports from workers who have completed treatment
b) Reports from union representatives, management or supervisors who have contact with workers
c) Inspection of provider facilities, policies, procedures and records

Only licensed facilities, licensed professionals and/or certified addiction counselors are included in the ATAP Provider Network. In addition, ATAP is establishing additional requirements for participating programs concerning communication with our staff.

Member’s Quick Contact

All fields are required. The members quick contact portal should be utilized for basic questions regarding the Allied Trades Assistance Program's services. If this is a true emergency please contact 800-258-6376
